(This is a spin of question from https://community.safe.com/s/feed/0D5OO000004YH4O0AW, but I thought it made sense to rephrase the question)
I am trying to run a shell script from SystemCaller but for some weird reason I can not make it work.
My command line is:
cd "/Volumes/disc1/test_systemcaller/" && my_script.sh 25 5
The numbers at the end are parameters for the script.
The error I get from the log file is:
sh: my_script.sh: command not found
The file 'my_script.sh' is placed in the actual folder, so should be found.
If I test the file path by asking it to do something simple, eg mkdir, it will happily do so in the right place.
If I run the command from Terminal it works fine.
I made a second script in the folder with a mkdir just for testing. While it works fine in Terminal, FME claims to know nothing about it.
Since system caller cant find the script file, even though it is in the folder, I guess that something might be wrong with my syntax? I'm on a Mac if that matters.