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I have a non-spatial Oracle table that has points with x,y coordinates. Some of the points are in NAD83 UTM11F, while others are in NAD83 State Plane Nevada East Foot. I want to keep the State Plane x,y but also convert those same points to x,y in NAD83 UTM11F and add to my existing non-spatial Oracle table. Can this be done successfully with FME?
Hi,   I assume the table has 4 fields to store UTM (x, y) and State Plane (x, y). If so, one of solutions would be: 1) Read the records which have State Plane coordinate data. 2) Use AttributeReprojector to convert State Plane (x, y) of each feature to UTM (x, y). 3) Then update the record to set UTM (x, y) by SQLExecutor or other appropriate ways.   Hope this helps. Takashi
What I have is a table with x,y in NAD83 UTM11F for our northern offices and the southern offices have x,y in NAD83 StatePlane East Foot. I then have two new sets of columns with x,y (one for the UTM11F x,y and one for State Plane x,y). I need to simply move the northern office x,y's to the new UTM11F colums and not convert to State Plane (that field will be blank for northern offices). I need to move the southern x,y's to the new State Plane column and also translate them to UTM11F and add to the new x,y column. Confusing, huh?





Takashi's suggestion is still a good one for your case. Let us know if you have specific questions about it, though, and we'll try to answer.



