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Hello all


these are my first steps with workbench.


I'm trying to convert many dxf to geotiff 1bit raster data (1/0).


I made:


Reader->2dforcer->ImageRasterizer and then an inspector to see what happens.


The reader recognizes the dxf, with annotations and closed lines with all the correct fill patterns. During the rasterizations all annotations are lost and all the closed polylines are polygon filled with black..


Where is my mistake?


Thank you all


Hi Pietro,



have you looked at this article?



For your annotations, you could try a TextStroker.



Hello David Yes I saw that article.. I get the result with TextStroker for the text and GeometryCoercer to convert all acad polygons into polylines, so the original aspect is mantained, otherwise fme will convert them in polygon with uniform fill color (black)




