Hi, I have 2 LAS (pointcloud) files that have differences in classification of the points into different classes. What would be the quickest/easiest way to compare that files and output the differences into another LAS file please
Hello @tadekfigura,
did you try use the transformer ChangeDetector? It is possible to compare 3D elements:
Hi @tadekfigura,
I did search with more details in Safe Site and has the Webinar section.
In this section has a interesting Webinar How to Get the Most Out of LiDAR Data.
The transformer PointCloudMerger is good in your case. You can do download the Workspaces from this webinar above and see how can use it.
Documentation PointCloudMerger
Are x, y, z components of all points in the second point cloud exactly equal to those of all points in the first point cloud?
Are x, y, z components of all points in the second point cloud exactly equal to those of all points in the first point cloud?
Are x, y, z components of all points in the second point cloud exactly equal to those of all points in the first point cloud?
For example, the transformer with this setting routes the points having the same classification to Merged and Referenced port, routes the points having different classification to NotMerged and Unreferenced port.
If you need to process only specific classes such as "ground" and "vegetation", you can use the PointCloudFilter to filter points within the source point clouds.
Thank you guys!
Thank you guys!
Good teamwork @takashi