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Compare a geodatabase schema to an esri xml file

  • 22 March 2013
  • 2 replies




We would like to test the input geodatabase on featureclasses, featuretypes, datatypes, attribute names and domains. The correct featureclasses and their attributes and the domains are present in an esri xml schema file.


Is there a way to compare these two using standard transformers or do we need to use python?


I we would use python, how would we get the data from the xml as variables into the python script?



If we are using FME server would it make it different?



Would anyone have examples or ideas how to approach this issue?



Kind regards,



Hi Cristel,



one solution could be to create an empty (dummy) geodatabase with the input XML schema as a template file, then use a reader "Schema (Any Formar)" on both the dummy geodatabase and the input geodatabase and start the comparison there.



Hi Cristel,



Assuming you have acces to ESRI, you can use the out of the box tool  


If you dont have acces then David starting point is a solid one.


You might also try the reverse > tranforming the gdb into xml and comparing the xml. 


Hoe this helps
