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Clipping Arcs

  • 13 March 2013
  • 3 replies

Have anyone had problems when Clipping Arcs ? Does FME calculate "arcs to lines" and then decide where to clip? Or is only the central-point of the Arc considered? Seems to be different to clip an arc and an arc that is converted to vectors.

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Yes, I can confirm that I have spent more time debugging arcs than I care to remember.



If you look at the feature in the Inspector, is it flagged with the geometry type IFMEPath? If so, you could try a PathSplitter before the Clipper and then re-joining the pieces with a PathBuilder at the end. Doesn't alway work perfectly, but might be worth a try if you really need to preserve the arcs as-is.



Let me know if it works out.







Userlevel 5
Badge +13


According to the documentation"  Geometry Handling (applicable to FME versions prior to FME 2012)

If Advanced Geometry Handling is set to Enhanced in the workspace, arcs and ellipses will be clipped without stroking. If set to Classic, all arcs and ellipses will be replaced by their center points.



Hope this helps
Userlevel 1
Badge +24
Thx David and Itay!


Was aware of the Geometry Handling, however it does not seem to exist in FME2013 anymore, default is now Advanced I guess.



Just looking forward to clipping 3D-arcs :P
