Hello everyone
I need to run a test process that reads a file in netCDF format and clips it using a Clipper. I am using a shapefile for clipping, but the Clipper is giving me the following error:
Clipper_<Rejected> (TeeFactory): Clipper_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'Clipper output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''
Here is an example of the process I'm trying to test.
I want to write two output files, one in NetCDF format and the other in Geotiff format.
Afterwards, I need to open one of the result files and the original netCDF file in QGIS to check the values.
The goal of this test is to verify why, in another process, the clipped result is altering some values related to the original global input file (netCDF).
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.