Hi there,
I was wondering if anybody can give some pointers on writing CityGML dynamically.
I am using a Generic writer in combination with a referenced CityGML writer.
The CityGML feature types have been imported as mentioned here to the referenced CityGML writer.
The source data contains feature types that match exactly the CityGML schema specification (PlantCover, Road, LandUse, Building, WaterBody and GenericCityObject).
The Generic writer schema definition is set to dynamic using the schema feature from the FeatureReader transformer.
I am not very familiar with the CityGML schema specifications , but since the resulting CityGML LandUse feature type has all the original source attributes plus CityGML generated attributes, I imagine that it should be possible to have that for all the resulting CityGML feature types.
Another issue it noticed is that the city_feature_role is set to cityObjectMember despite the fact that I am setting the value in the workspace to the corresponding feature type (PlantCover, Road, LandUse, Building, WaterBody and GenericCityObject), see second image.
LandUse with source data attributes.
Building (no source data attributes)
Any help would be appreciated.
@Mark Stoakes @Dale Lutz @trentatsafe @deanatsafe
p.s. Using FMe Desktop Build 20594 - WIN64