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I am looking to rename a cell in an excel spreadsheet reader using the cell's location (e.g. E1) rather than the default option in AttributeRenamer of choosing a header (e.g. RATECAT, SERVICEADDRESS, ect.). I currently receive the dataset with the headers, like what is shown in the image provided, with one of the headers being the date. Every month this header changes... Is there a way for me to rename the cell in location E1 rather than renaming based on the field "2015/10"?

Thank you in advance!


If you don't want to keep the header row, set "Cell range" to start from row 1 and Place the header with attribute creator and map the header back to required attribute.


If you set 0 (or blank) to the "Field Names Row" and set 2 to the "Cell Range" in the reader parameters dialog, the Excel column names (A, B, C, ...) will be used as attribute names and the first (header) row will be skipped. Then you can rename the attributes with the AttributeRenamer, if necessary.


If you don't want to keep the header row, set "Cell range" to start from row 1 and Place the header with attribute creator and map the header back to required attribute.


Hi Pratap and Takashi

Thank you both for your answers, they were great solutions and they both worked well for what I needed to do. Thanks again!

