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I can set up a zip file extractor with a user parameter but how do I then connect it to the reader to have it extract the shapefile from the zip file?

Hi @chris28​ ,

FME can read directly from archive formats without any extra work in a workspace.

And typically when a reader is set up, a user parameter is already created and typically already has the appropriate file filtering needed.


However, I'm not sure if your workflow needs are a little different where you need to save an unzipped copy of the shapefile. If that's the case, depending on how you set up your workflow with a zip file extractor, you would then want to make sure there is an attribute available that would have the location of the shapefile. You could then use a FeatureReader to read in the shapefile, with the dataset parameter set to the attribute holding the file location. For more information on using the FeatureReader, see this article.

