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a) A question similar to the "PostgreSQL Scirpt (.SQL)" one: is there a way of calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures inside a FMW workflow?   b) How can I call a DB procedure after the writer is completed, as a post-process item in the FMW workflow? For example, recreating the indexes after writing data.
a) You can use a SQLExecutor on an Oracle database, spatial or non-spatial.



b) On a Oracle writer you can set a "SQL Statement To Execute Before/After Translation" as (advanced) parameter.



you can use an SQLExecutor to call PL/SQL procedures in your Workspace flow. Each feature entering the transformer will trigger the procedure once, optionally with attributes from the feature as parameters.



For question b), you can use the workspace shutdown script. In the Navigator: Workspace Parameters / Advanced / Shutdown Python script.



Hope this helps.



Thank you!!



I did not know about the Shutdown scripts nor the SQL Statement to execute before/after translation. It will be very useful for me!
