Have you tried to use an AnchoredSnapper before the SpatialRelator? Make sure to use Segment Snapping.
Another option would be the NeighborFinder with a distance of 0. This will allow you to get a list of closest candidates (all touching (or overlapping) polygons. If you have all as candidate, be sure to substract 1 from the count as the polygon itself will also qualify.
Another option would be the NeighborFinder with a distance of 0. This will allow you to get a list of closest candidates (all touching (or overlapping) polygons. If you have all as candidate, be sure to substract 1 from the count as the polygon itself will also qualify.
Hi @erik_jan thanks, that is correct, I added a listElementCounter to get the numbers right. Polygons with no numbers are rejected, but that it no issue.