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I need to find the top/bottom turningpoint of a dataset - as seen on the image below. these are expressed as x,y,z and possible more attributes. Is there another way than python?

Well, the direction at the turnover will flip.

You can test for that occurrence. First quadrant=> third, second to first etc.

If you chop the lines by 1 vertex they will be ordered per polyline. Maybe set an id if needed.

You can use azimuth calculator and test for quadrants at all vertices.

So you can use a attribute creator with prior and/or subsequent features to scan for the changes.

3D peaks (local maxima) require bit more work of course.

I have not tried finding local maxima by just using fme (without scripting) though.

Assuming that the curve is a polyline, this workflow finds segments that start with turning points in Y direction. If you need to find turning points in Z direction, replace all "y" in the workflow with "z".
