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I am current migrating autocad text to arcgis annotation.



Apparently autocad store the text using line and point.



point - migrated using labelpoint



may I know how I can migrate text that are stored with lines?



the source is in oracle spartial database and output to enterprise geodatabase.


You could transform the lines into points....
using which function? I am thinking of using LabelPointReplacer



but for autocad



for different justification the text appear at different position of the line.



is there a theory behind this ?




If you are not too interested in the exact location you can use the center point replacer.
what is the exact name of the transformer?
center point replacer



You can also expose the XY justification coordinates and use that to create a point.....


Don't think it will work. becaue the point can be start, middle or end



left(point), middle and right justify.
Hi seesee,



btw why not try the labelpointreplacer on the lines?


and is justification a property used in ESRI products?



Hope this helps.
