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I'm reading ArcSDE tables with FME Desktop 2012 SP4. One table has a column, type of which is string with width over 1000 000 000. The type of the same column in Oracle is NCLOB with width of 3000.



When reading the table with ArcSDE Reader, FME doesn't recognize the column at all. FME gives a warning saying that the column is not recognizable. Is it because of the width of the column in ArcSDE? Is there any way to read a column of such a type?
I have an idea. Perhaps you could run a non-spatial query against Oracle bypassing ArcSDE.


You could create an selection-sql or a database-view that converts the NCLOB to something FME can manage (TO_CHAR in SQL*PLUS).



By creating a view that converts the first part of the NCLOB (3000) to a varchar2(1500) or similar column and the rest into another column. Then you cold get FME to read the data, and concathenate the two columns if necessay.





Currently the Esri ArcSDE Reader/Writer doesn't support these kind of datatypes. However you may find that the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE) Reader/Writer will be able to. There is a current request for support for these datatypes and I will add @geolassi to PR17195 so that you are notified when support is implemented.





Robyn Rennie


FME Desktop Support




