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The output of HullAccumulator is 3D but it is a suface. I'm looking for ideas to how to use the HullAccumulator along with other transformers (or some other approach completely) to define a volume all around 3D points, lines, or areas.  I would like to produce "true 3D" volume rather than 2.5D.



aifk FME hullaccumulator is a 2D transforer



You can always define a volume with fme when using sufficient math. (now how do i get the faces on this Elipsoid?)



But you can only create TIN's in FME using fme.


No smooth surfaces here. The closest u can get is draping with a decent tolerance. 


But when u export the draped polygons to like autocad u just get the draped lines, no surface.


I have not find a way to do that using FME anyway..


It's not a 3D modeller.


