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Application Crash error

  • 23 January 2013
  • 3 replies

During exporting Smallworld 4.1.2 data to shape file using FME Workbench 2011, for some objects it is crashing.


It gives message "FME EXE has stopped working"




Problem signature:


  Problem Event Name:        APPCRASH


  Application Name:        fme.exe


  Application Version:        2011.0.0.6538


  Application Timestamp:        4e5c7d57


  Fault Module Name:        SWORLDSWAF.dll


  Fault Module Version:


  Fault Module Timestamp:        45d5ddec


  Exception Code:        c0000005


  Exception Offset:        0000f896


  OS Version:        6.1.7600.


  Locale ID:        1033


  Additional Information 1:        0a9e


  Additional Information 2:        0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


  Additional Information 3:        0a9e


  Additional Information 4:        0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789



I tried using FME Universal and FME data inspector, it is crashing with above error.


Also I tried using service = "FMENOFACTORY", still problem exists.



It is observed that it is failing at start as I tried using single feature. Also set "Ignore Failed Readers" to "yes",still no luck.





Could anyone please elaborate on this error and how to resolve this error?


So you are able to single out which featuer is giving the error? Can you try to save that feature as a FFS. Or try to replace the SHAPE WRITER with an FFS WRITER and see if you get the same problem?



Which version of FME are you using?
When I have hit this issue in the past it is often due to 1 corrupt feature and pinning that down is often the challenge. Attempt to read the data by adjusting the parameters:



Start Feature


Max Features to Read



and also use a Sampler, this can help you avoid the problem feature or at least identify which one is causing the issue. SigTills suggestion of writting to FFS is also a good one to remove the Shape Writer from the equation, though if the corruption is happening at the Reader end you may not get that far.
I checked with Start Feature, Max Features to Read parameters., but not able to figure out corrupt feature, if any. Also used Sampler, but still application gets crashed.



Also tried by replacing Shape writer with FFS writer, but its getting crashed.




