I'm looking for an alternative to the ArcGIS command "Spatial Join" in FME. Important for me is the matching option "WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D".
My goal is to determine the number of neighboring points in a space from each point of a point cloud (and write it into an attribute of the point. In ArcGIS I would use the following command
arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis("powerline_01", "powerline_01", "e:\LAS\powerline_10m_DIST.shp", "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL",""", "WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D", "10 Meters", "DIST_10m")
Unfortunately, I have found only similar transformers in FME, which do not work in space, but only 2D. For me it is not interesting which point is closest to the origin, but the number of points within a space.
Thanks a lot for any advise