I have a table of non-spatial features. Each row has a non-primary key that it shares with 39 other rows. Each row contains a unique attribute type. For example: Row 1= "10 County"; Row 2 = "10 State"; Row 3 = "10 District" .... Row 41 = "20 County", Row 42 = "20 State" .... etc. How can I pull all the "10" attributes "20" attributes into single rows, each containing the 40 attributes?
I'm having a hard time getting my head around this issue, but if I read you correctly an AttributeSplitter or SubstringExtractor to grab the first two characters from the value and store them in a new attribute, then a ListBuilder set to group by that attribute and a ListConcatenator to turn them into a single line would do the trick.
Thanks for the quick feedback and my apologies for the late response.
I believe the ListBuilder will get me to where I need to be, but in a roundabout way. I'm hoping a simpler technique is available. Let me restate the problem (hopefully) more clearly, now that I have more insight:
- My input table contains sets of rows grouped by a common GROUP_ID.
- Each row contains a single FIELD_ID and FIELD_VALUE
- FIELD_ID is the lookup key to a FIELD_NAME. I am using AttributeValueMapper to assign each FIELD_ID its FIELD_NAME. For example: FIELD_ID = 0004001, which translates to FIELD_NAME = Latitude
- Output from AttributeValueMapper is a set of rows containing GROUP_ID, FIELD_NAME, and FIELD_VALUE as in the following example:
- 25 Latitude 39.144679
- 25 Longitude -81.655892
- 25 StructLen 483
- 31 Latitude 38.422415
- 31 Longitude -81.972522
- 31 StructLen 201
Feeding the above into ListBuilder I get output similar to the following:
39.144679Longitude-81.655892StructLen48331Latitude38.422415Longitude-81.972522StructLen201How can I create a table/feature where FIELD_NAMEs are columns containing the FIELD_VALUEs such as follows:
38.422415-81.972522201This would then let me use Tester to filter out StructLen <= 100
My apologies if this turns out to have a simple answer. I'm still very much a newbie.
If you have a feature with 3 attributes
Group_ID: 25
Field_ID: Latitude
Field_Value: 39.144679
You can use an attributeCreator with the New Attribute set to @Value(Field_ID) and the Attribute Value set to @Value(Field_Value).
Remove your Field_ID and Field_Value attributes and Aggregate grouping by Group_ID and accumulation mode set to Merge Incoming Attributes
If you wish to use those attributes in the workspace, you will need to explicitly expose them (AttributeExposer)
If you have a feature with 3 attributes
Group_ID: 25
Field_ID: Latitude
Field_Value: 39.144679
You can use an attributeCreator with the New Attribute set to @Value(Field_ID) and the Attribute Value set to @Value(Field_Value).
Remove your Field_ID and Field_Value attributes and Aggregate grouping by Group_ID and accumulation mode set to Merge Incoming Attributes
If you wish to use those attributes in the workspace, you will need to explicitly expose them (AttributeExposer)
PS. I love that you used the term automagically.
Hi @randall_robie, an excellent solution has been suggested by @jdh, but there are other possible approaches too.
A: If you have aggregated the features with a ListBuilder already, Python scripting may be a quick way to create desired attributes. You can expose required attribute names in the PythonCaller parameters dialog (see the Attributes to Expose parameter).# PythonCaller Script Example
def processFeature(feature):
names = feature.getAttribute('_list{}.FIELD_NAME')
values = feature.getAttribute('_list{}.FIELD_VALUE')
for name, value in zip(names, values):
feature.setAttribute(name, value)
B: Alternatively, a combination of BulkAttributeRenamer and Aggregator works fine too. This method renames 'FIELD_VALUE' to the value of 'FIELD_NAME' directly, so won't create any excess attributes.
Just be aware that you have to expose the attribute names if the attributes should be referred in the subsequent workflow.