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Adding "name of person who uploaded file" to CSV file

  • 13 February 2024
  • 1 reply

I have a dozen files in a folder. I was able to use the Path Names Reader to write the File Name, Upload Date, Upload Time, and File Size to the CSV Writer. 


Does anyone know how, or if it is even possible, to get the name of the user who copied/uploaded a file into a folder? I see in the Pathname Reader the path_ownername attribute, but all this has in it is the value “Administrators”, no user name. 

The name you see depends on how the files got there. If I scan a directory on our network, with path reader set to ‘read file properties’, for path_ownername I get the names of people who last edited various files. If I go somewhere a workspace I built on FME server is writing files to, each file is named as being created by our service account ‘fmeservice’. It doesn’t have the authority to write files as me, it’ll never be my name there.

With what it sounds like you’ve got, you might not be able to tell who uploaded the files there without modifying whatever process is handling those files. Maybe have it write a separate metadata file or log file if at all possible.
