Hi Kam, hope all is well!
In short, I don't think so, though I'm assuming you are wanting to do this to avoid keying in lots of attribute names? Assuming thats the case, this is a bit of a cheat but might help:
1) Before the InlineQuerier add a sampler, and sample out 1 feature.
2) Add an AttributeCreator with attribute value "_layer" and value of "kam".
3) Next add a Recorder and set an output FFS path and the Feature Type Attribute value to _layer.
3) Run the workspace and write 1 feature into the recorder.
4) Now delete that lot.
5) Add an FFS Reader and add the _layer FeatureType from the FFS you just created.
6) Now go to the InlineQuerier and Import your Schema but check that any attributes you created in your workflow (rather than having come from the origin) have the desired data type.
It seems long winded but much quicker than manually typing out lots of attributes.
Cheers, Dave