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Column specified in mapping file but not defined in existing table

  • January 5, 2018
  • 1 reply

I have a workspace where I am trying to read and write to a SQL table (ArcGIS line feature class). The reader is an abandoned line feature class that contains a length column (double, 38 precision, 8 scale). The writer is an active line feature class that contains the same length attribute set to the parameters listed above. When trying to write features from one to the other I get the message "Column 'length' of type 'double' specified in mapping file but not defined in existing table". There is an older post regarding this topic but it did not provide an answer, it dealt with creating a new feature class. My workspace is simple, it contains two readers one is the abandoned lines and the other is a cad file; I use a NeighborFinder to select only the abandoned lines that match the cad file; I have a TimeStamper and AttributeManager after the NeighborFinder; then the writer. I have tried using the length calculator and setting the value to that in the attribute manager but continue to get the error. I have tried renaming the reader attribute but still get the error.

1 reply

  • January 5, 2018

If I understand the question correctly, you have two options:

  1. Manually remote the "length" attribute on the writer feature type


  2. Update the writer feature type from the menu Writers / Update Feature Types... This will update the definition based on the selected target table.

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