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Option to update all transformers to the latest versions

Related products:Integrations

Add a new feature to the workbench tool menu: Automatic update workspace transformers to the latest version. 2 ways of behaviour: 1. New version of the transformer has the same parameters as the old one - automatic update 2. New version of the transformer has some difference in parameters - open transformer parameters for edit.
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21 replies

  • Safer
  • November 23, 2015
This is complete in FME 2016.0 - it won't update ALL transformers at the same time; to go through the parameters dialogs means only one at a time can be updated


  • Contributor
  • December 1, 2015

This... is... a... game... changer! Hooray! Thank you...

  • Contributor
  • December 1, 2015

We can access every upgradeable transformer quickly through Navigator. Really fantastic!


  • February 15, 2016

I have 53 upgradeable transformers. Why do I have to interactively upgrade? Very huge waste of time... Need an "Update All" or at least update at an upper-level of the hierarchy.


I agree with @pvaziri it'd be nice to be able to upgrade all transformers at once, or all transformers of a certain type at once. In that case it'd have to be limited to the default settings I suppose.

  • Contributor
  • April 21, 2016

Upgrade all was requested at FME WT Finland. Very much needed for big workspaces.

  • Contributor
  • March 20, 2017
Yes i have 100+ workspaces, and worked out about 1000+ transformers need to be changed. For that reason over the last 18 months, we have completed as required conversions



So far only featuremerger needed manually intervention



This is now long overdue.


  • Contributor
  • July 26, 2017

We use more than 300 Workbench-Files, with more than 10000 Transformers!

Klicking every transformer is NO solution!

Different behavior with different Versions of FME forced us to install some FME-Versions since Version Build 13261!!!!

PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!! make it possible to Change ALL transformers at once in a Workbench!


*Status Update 2017-07-26*

Please note that the Status of this Idea is changing from "Released" to "Suggested". There has been confusion over the Title of this Idea compared to its Description!

What IS Available / Released?


The ability to upgrade transformers, one at a time.

What is NOT YET Available?


The ability to upgrade ALL transformers at once of the same type or regardless of type.

What WILL this Idea address?


The ability to upgrade ALL transformers at once regardless of type.

Please note that this Idea will NOT address the following:


- Upgrade EVERY transformer OF THE SAME TYPE at once. Please see this Idea.


- Upgrade all transformers of the same type and allow you to change the parameters for individual transformers.

Please let us know if there is anything we can clarify.


@pvaziri @redgeographics @geolassi @rudy_v @lucky


Also, in 2017 we added the ability to Update Readers and Writers. In the navigator, right-click on the reader and you'll see Update Reader (or Writer). If you hover the mouse over the reader or writer you'll see a tool tip telling you which version of FME was used to add that reader / writer.

* Status Update 2017-07-26*


Please note that the Status of this Idea is changing from "Released" to " Suggested". There has been confusion over the Title of this Idea compared to its Description!


What IS Available / Released?


The ability to upgrade transformers, one at a time.


What is NOT YET Available?


The ability to upgrade ALL transformers at once of the same type or regardless of type.


What WILL this Idea address?


The ability to upgrade ALL transformers at once regardless of type.



Please note that this Idea will NOT address the following:


- Upgrade EVERY transformer OF THE SAME TYPE at once. Please see this Idea.


- Upgrade all transformers of the same type and allow you to change the parameters for individual transformers.


  • Contributor
  • January 16, 2019

There should be a "I'm feeling lucky" option when you right click Upgradeable Transformers that will update them all. If your workbench runs successfully, great you can move on, if not open the backup and upgrade them one by one. Same with the groupings of the same type, right click on the heading and upgrade them all by type.

I spend days right clicking and saying upgrade one by one and for the most part the workbenches work with just the default upgrade.

  • Contributor
  • December 18, 2019

entering keyboard shortcuts to open the upgrade screen can be helpful

  • Contributor
  • January 13, 2021

Any news on this idea?


It would be cool if the Upgrade Transformer dialog were upgraded to have buttons for "Upgrade + move next", "Upgrade all similar" and "I'm feeling lucky (do them all at my own risk)" buttons. The + move next would move to the next upgradeable transformer in the list, and zoom to it on the canvas. The Upgrade all similar would be useful for more simple tranformers such as AttributeCreators where I can decide whether the risk is worth it for a common set of transformers. I'm personally not a fan of the I'm feeling lucky option, because if you are taking the time to upgrade FME you should also take the time to re-evaluate whether new transformers that have been added or enhanced could be used to improve the workspace overall, but I could see it being useful in some situations, and could automatically save a backup before performing the upgrades.

  • Contributor
  • June 2, 2021

UPDATE ALL is a must-have feature. It's cumbersome to update each and every transformer manually when there are 100s of them within a script. This has been long in demand. When is FME going to listen and add it?

  • Contributor
  • September 28, 2022

We'd like this too!

  • January 25, 2023

This post is 7 years old and there is still no update about it????

UPDATE ALL should definitely an option.

  • Contributor
  • December 7, 2023

Adding to the comments here that this is an important improvement. Glad to see that it's now in development. Having more and more upgradeable transformers across many workspaces is becoming an issue with each upgrade - we need to expand each category and work through each transformer, for each workspace. It's nice that they are categorized in the Navigator pane, but there needs to be a way to work through them more quickly than one at a time, especially when there is no change or a consistent change in the parameters.

  • Safer
  • March 25, 2024
In DevelopmentReleased
Released in FME 2024.0

  • Safer
  • June 15, 2024

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