I have two raster files, DEM_epsg25831_orthoHeights.tif and GEOID_epsg4326.tif, and I have to convert from orthometric heights of raster DEM to ellipsoidal ones. I am using CsmapReprojector [3] with FME Workbench 2019.1 but I have problems with vertical adjustment.
I always get this error:
CsmapReprojector: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature:
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED.
These are the steps that I follow for vertical adjustment:
1) I have converted DEM_epsg25831_orthoHeights.tif into dtm_epsg25831_orto.asc (Esri Ascii GRID), because CsmapReprojector can only reproject raster files in 2D (that is, with Ignore heights and leave them unchanged) [1].
This is the content of dtm_epsg25831_orto.asc (sample data for test),
XLLCENTER 398955.000000000
YLLCENTER 4624395.00000000
CELLSIZE 5.00000000000000
252.71 252.38 251.94
252.97 252.63 252.26
253.23 252.89 252.55
2) I also, I have converted GEOID_epsg4326.tif to EGM96 GRD format using convert-ngrid-to-grd.fmw [2].
3) Finally, I have created a .gdc file and I have copied binary ._96 file with .grd file [2, Update note]
I have tried CsmapReprojector with 2D reprojection (epsg2581 -> epsg4326) and works perfect, the problem is with vertical adjustment.
I am wondering if there is something else I'm forgetting to do?
Thank you
[2] https://community.safe.com/s/article/creating-vertical-adjustment-grid-files-for-use-wi
[3] https://community.safe.com/s/article/which-transformer-do-i-use-to-do-3d-reprojection-v