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FME Weekly Quiz: Round 3 Answers and Results


Hi FME'ers,

Here are the answers and results to yesterday's quiz:


1) How many engines are permitted on a professional (4 core) FME Cloud instance?

  • 1
  • 4
  • 8
  • 16
  • Unlimited

It's actually unlimited! You can run as many engines as you want, on any FME Cloud machine. Check out the pricing page if you don't believe me!

Of course, as in Jurassic Park, don't get so preoccupied with whether or not you could run a million engines, that you don't stop to think if you should! The architecture of the machine effectively limits how many engines are viable.

But it also depends on the size of the jobs and what they are doing. Smaller jobs would allow for more engines, as would jobs that use less CPU time (I'm thinking calls to a database or web service).

2) Humourous titles are a great draw to presentations at the World Tour and User Conference. All of these films have been referenced in an FME presentation, but which one occurs the most?

  • Confessions of (a Dangerous Mind) (1 presentation)
  • The Sound of Music (1)
  • Ghostbusters (1)
  • Dr. Strangelove (3)


  • Batteries Not Included (1)

We all love a good pun and the titles in our presentation archives prove this.



There are various "Confessions Of" films and books (of which Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is the most suitable for work) but only 1 FME presentation: Confessions of a Non Power User.



The Sound of Music gets a reference through this presentation. There are no raindrops on roses, or whiskers on kittens, but there are a few of the presenter's favourite things about FME.



If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters? No, an API!



Ah, Dr. Strangelove or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb". In our archives, "worrying" returned a worrying three results. Thankfully they are all about how FME stopped you worrying and loved various items:

So there's your correct answer.

Batteries not included? No, FME Technology: Batteries Included. I suppose this might be a reference to the common saying, but I like to think it's a reference to the film of the same name.

Incidentally, I thought Spiderman would be up there for sure ("with great power comes...") but there are zero results that I can find. That's very disappointing. Neither do I find any results for Star Wars (Jedi, Yoda, Force, etc) which is a big surprise given the number of sci-fi geeks at Safe.

If you have an idea for a talk, then answer the call for presentations for next year's conference. Be sure to give it a good movie-related title and you too might become the answer to an FME quiz question!

3) Which of these is NOT a dataset in the FMEData datasets used for training and demos?

  • PublicArt
  • Zones
  • StreetLighting
  • SportsFacilities
  • Parks

If you've taken training - or watched many FME webinars - you'll know we have a standard dataset (containing data from the City of Vancouver open data portal) that we use for demonstrations. It's a great tool for building and testing workspaces too.

It certainly contains parks (we use that dataset way too much!) but it doesn't contain any sports facilities, so that's the correct answer here.

4) The web site for FME Server API documentation, demonstrations, and testing is called what?

  • The FME Server Developer Playground
  • The FME Server API Test Facility
  • The FME Server Development Resource
  • The FME Server Online Laboratory
  • The FME Server Centre for Online Testing

It's the Developer Playground! Each method is described in detail and has the option to try it for yourself:

You can also download the source code and try out a whole bunch of demo applications of FME Server development, such as integration with ArcGIS Server, IMDF data validation, and mobile asset tracking.

5) FME has a CSGBuilder and a CSGEvaluator transformer. What does CSG stand for?

  • Constructive Solid Geometry
  • Complex Solid Geometry
  • Comprehensive Simple Geometry
  • Computationally Simply Geometry
  • Cunning Strategy Game

It's Constructive Solid Geometry. CSG is actually a well-known technique used for solid geometry modelling. It's a way to create a union, difference, or intersection of two or more simple geometry objects.

FME has both a CSGBuilder and a CSGEvaluator transformer.

6) In prior blog posts, the SchemaMapper was represented by which mythical creature?

  • Unicorn
  • Dragon
  • Minotaur
  • Yeti
  • Aardvark

Don't tell me you've forgotten the SchemaMapper Dragon, have you? He's not so scary:

There were five blog posts in all, and yes, I did use movie titles or some sort of cultural reference in all of them:

The posts are getting old now, as blog posts are wont to do, but all the information is condensed into a SchemaMapper tutorial on our knowledgebase.


Another week with only one perfect score! Congratulations to @redgeographics this time. Well done. 6/6. This week's bragging rights are definitely yours.

The average score was 4.25 so overall lower (making redgeographic's achievement even better).

  1. -
  2. @pushpa @campbellfleury
  3. @david_whiteside
  4. @milo89 @mmccart @sigtill @rsleo @david_r
  5. @itay @geogaard @srg @pat_uow @samisnunu @jdh @warrengis
  6. @redgeographics

The top scores after three weeks are:

So, very close at the top. I think we'll do one more week then call this round done (so it's not too boring if you are way behind overall).

The easiest question this week was #4. 15/16 people knew our Server dev web site is the Developer Playground.

The hardest question was #2. Only 1/16 people guessed correctly that Dr Strangelove is the most-referenced film in user presentations. (3 people went with Confessions Of..., 1 person went with the Sound of Music, 8 people went with Ghostbusters, and 3 went for Batteries Not Included). Only @redgeographics got the right answer (obviously since he went 6/6 overall).

So, with just a few points separating the top players, get ready for next week's quiz spectacular!


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