
How to create lines between points with the largest value

  • 23 February 2023
  • 2 replies
  • 1 view



I´ve created a point-based dataset which includes an attribut (value, distance in meter from the point to a school using OSM routecalculation). I now want to create lines between the points with the highest value (if that makes any sense) adding up to some kind of "service area" to the school (how much area does the school cover if the distance is max 2500 meter). Is that possible and if so, how can it be done? Regards Christian

2 replies


I'm thinking about your question, but I'm not clear on the data structure or goal. Are lines what you really want? Or are you trying to make polygons to show service areas? Are the lines important or are you thinking of them as a stepping stone?



Conceptually, it sounds like what you want to do is "find nearest school point" from each house point with a max buffer. Take the XYs of the house and the XY of the school to create a new line. Or draw polygons around the different batches of consumers. Would each school use the same buffer or could they vary? This could get interesting.

Badge +2

@rkcha​ If you have Esri products installed you can use the ArcGISOnlineServiceAreaCalculator available on FME HUB. Otherwise, take all the house points that connect to your routes and try using HullAccumulator. experiment with the convex/concave options.
