
Non-hardcoded feature reader parameter fails in FME Server

  • 19 September 2021
  • 1 reply



I am trying to create a workspace that takes multiple user parameters and reads Esri Shapefile using the feature reader. But I have problems using the Feature reader when the dataset is not hardcoded.


This works fine, no errors:



But if I create another parameter called FME_SERVER_FILE_PATH and set its value to\\svk\\riks\\*.shp. So that the feature reader uses the dataset:



The Error I get is:

Shapefile Reader: 'C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\resources\\data\\3DViewer-Dev' is not a valid Shapefile and cannot be read


Is it something I'm missing or maybe a bug? I am using FME Server 2021



1 reply

Found out that I could not use the name that starts with FME_SERVER, when changing the name to something else the workspace run without problems. I guess FME_SERVER is reserved or something?
