
Select points close to a line



I'm having some problems finding the right transformer to do the following operation.

I have some points and i need to select only a part of them. I crated a line between two of them (red line) and now i need to find a way to select only the points close to that line.

I tried NeighborFinder but couldnt make it work.

Any input on how to do that easy operation?

Thank you very much,


2 replies

Userlevel 5

The NeighborFinder should work, but make sure you don't mix up the input ports. An alternative would be to create a buffer (Bufferer) around the line and then check if the points are inside the buffer (SpatialFilter or PointOnAreaOverlayer).

Badge +2

@davidealbertini​ what do you want to do with the selected points? Do you want the red line to follow the path of the selected points, or just tag the points with the ID of the red line?

As @david_r​ suggests - NeighbourFinder should work. Points = Base line = Candidate and then in the Attribute Accumulation you probably need to select Merge Attributes

If you want the red line to follow the points, perhaps AnchorSnapper is what you're looking for.

A Whirlwind Tour of Spatial Joins might give you some ideas

