
Pulling Feature Classes from Geodatabase to SQL Server

  • 28 August 2019
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view



I am currently trying to find a solution that might save me a bit of time. I have reader which is geodatabase which contains 10 feature classes and the writer as a SQL Server Database.

I would like to directly load and create new tables in SQL Server that are identical to the feature classes with the same field types.


Here are a couple of screenshots on basic setup but obviously hoping to build on top of it. Can anyone recommend any next steps in regards to this issue or had experience in loading data into an enterprise database?


3 replies


If you apply a SQL Server Writer with a dynamic schema in the attribute definition, it will create the table based on the fme_feature_type attribute and apply the schema from the source Feature Type


That is great, I will give it a go


If you apply a SQL Server Writer with a dynamic schema in the attribute definition, it will create the table based on the fme_feature_type attribute and apply the schema from the source Feature Type

Hi David,


Unfortunatly I could not get this working with SQL server due to a non related FME Issue but good news got it working with postGres SQL.


My only issue remaining is the outputs have all been created as tables only. Is there way to get them to pick up the feature classes as the geometry features i.e. points, polygon etc?
