Have you tried just using the AttributeExposer? If i set the attribute it's created but not exposed
Have you tried just using the AttributeExposer? If i set the attribute it's created but not exposed
Yes, that is the first thing I tried. The value remains on <missing>
the iteration count is a parameter, it says attribute to hold etc... but this is only "External" not "within" the custom you make. Within it is a (published) parameter.
So there is no exposing, you need to fetch the parameter into a attribute.
Betst to set a sampler = 1 after the creator (or parameterfetcher) as you need the information only 1X (not X nr.of feature)
Also sampling will show the iteration count on the feturecoutn (see bottom pic).
Here is a screencap whilst running...at 4th iteration
This is inside the custom.
The bottom custom output is for the ICA.
It is even possible to drive the iterationcounter by expression. In this case it was the reason i incorporated it in this custom.
The examples are from my "IterativeNeighbourFinder_2_2_2".\\
Here is output on a 10 iteration run
See the ica, sarting at missing of course. Showing runs finsished.
@Jelle De Zwaef
Here is a custom setup that exposes it.
I used the ICA te create variable search steps. (using ICA as variable in equations)
It is a blockint custom in a custom.
Its a iterative neighborfinder.
I see i posted this already. I respondend to FEM forummail
You have to take care not to enter expressions in the custom input.
Else it will lead to PArameter invoked etc. error.