
Update inline annotation with tags

  • 11 October 2018
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view


i am changing the text value of ESRI annotations in a GEODATBASE (edit session) by updating the attribute geodb_string_text. This works fine for referenced annoation without overrides.



If I want to update inline annotation with format tags in textstring I can't change the value in geodb_text_string. As result nothing happens. Is this possible with FME and which attributes I have to consider?



Version: FME 2016.1




1 reply

Badge +6

Hello @geobiker

Are you able to try writing to geodb_text_string_with_format_tags, as opposed to writing to geodb_text_string?



I believe the former takes precedence over the other text strings, as such any changes should be reflected there with Tag formatting. I hope that helps.
