
Error Reading Attachments Using the Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader

  • 30 January 2018
  • 2 replies



I am unable to read attachments from my hosted feature service on Portal, using the Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader. If I set "Include Attachments" to no, I am able to read the hosted data without attachments, but when I set "Include Attachments" to yes, my translation fails, and I get the following error:

Here are the reader parameters used when the workspace fails:

Does anyone have any ideas on why this isn't working? I have attached the full log file (run with debugging turned on)

in case that helps.

Thank you,


2 replies

Badge +7
Hi @courtney_m, thanks for posting your issue.


From the log it looks like Python is choking on one of the attachments (attachment 60 for feature 2 on layer 2). If you avoid reading this particular attachment, do the rest of the attachments come through? What kind of attachments are these?


Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.







This ended up being a bug in the reader. With the help of Laura W and the rest of the Safe team, the fix was released in the latest 2018 Beta! Thank you, everyone!
