
Add a header row to CSV that has none

  • 5 December 2017
  • 2 replies

Badge +6

While I realise there are examples of this elsewhere, the techniques outlined don't appear to work for me.

I have multiple CSV files that do not have a header, the first row of data is always being read in as the header row (despite me saying that the data is in row 1) and only columns with null data have "colX" so I don't see how I can use a concatenator alongside a dummy CSV with the true header information.

Can anybody provide some detailed directions on how I can import csv's into a database using FME where there are no headers without excluding the first row?

Thank you!

2 replies

Badge +1

@dbryantgeo, check the setting of 'Field Names Line' is set to blank (default Is 1).

If that doesn't resolve it, post a sample of data please for us to take a look


Badge +6

@1spatialmary Perfect! Thank you :)
