
line to polygon with additional rules (excel)

  • 15 May 2020
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view

Hi there, I hope anyone can help me, thank you in advance, Juan.

I have an excel file where I define how polygons must be created .

I have a Lines feature as spaghetti dataset, with an attribute feature name.

The excel goes:

Feature name / Feature required to make polygons

Buildings / Buildings

Sidewalk / Sidewalk, Building, Roads, Fences

Roads / Roads,Fences,Buildings

Now I need to combine the excel rules and the spaghetti dataset to make my polygons?




1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +25

This would benefit massively from having some actual data to experiment with.

Key here is to use the AreaBuilder with the Group By option set to that feature name. In order to get that your lines need to have that attribute supplied through Excel. FeatureMerger will do that. But it's a comma-separated list so you'll need to use an AttributeSplitter to turn that into an actual list and then a ListExploder.

So that's it in short:

AttributeSplitter and ListExploder on the Excel input, FeatureMerger with the lines, probably another ListExploder because it'll be a 1-to-many relationship and then the AreaBuilder.

Assuming your data is clean of course.
