
Hi! Is it possible to connect an Smallworld DB directly using FME as I can do with an Oracle DB?

  • 8 October 2019
  • 6 replies

Is it always necessary to have PNI or another Smallworld application running with FME?

6 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +16

There are two ways of reading/writing Smallworld data in FME:

FME has a Smallworld reader/writer that requires the Smallworld edition license.

A third party FME Smallworld plugin is available. See this link SBS Plugin for more information. This solution uses the FME database edition license.

Hope this helps.

Thank You very much!

We have FME 2018.1 with Smallworld Edition License. I will try to connect the DB.

Thank You.

Userlevel 2
Badge +11

It's definitely possible but you need to ensure that the Smallworld dll and metafile are available to FME before you can use the reader/writer.

I found this tutorial extremely useful when starting out:

We're currently using Smallworld 4.3, there are training resources for this version available:

Thank You very much!!

Userlevel 2
Badge +11

Thank You very much!!

Also, I'm not sure of your configuration but we always need Smallworld to be running so that the magik script can open a port to FME.
