I have some python code that uploads a file to FME Server and then runs a webhook
filename = outfile
_file = os.path.basename(filename)
token = ""
fmehndlr = FMEHandler.FMEHandlerClass()
fmehndlr.filename = _file
## set token
fmehndlr.token = token
## set upload location
fmehndlr.upurl = ""
#### set parameter values
rowtype = name.replace(" ",'%20')
projectname = project.replace(" ",'%20')
projectnumber = projectnum.replace(" ",'%20')
scale = "1000"
dwgname = _file.replace('.gdb',"").replace('.zip',"")+".dwg"
dwgpath = os.path.join(projectfolder,dwgname)
## url for webhook with parameters in it, you have to set this before upload if used with the AP41 flag
fmehndlr.runurl = f"http://000.00.0:8080/fmedatastreaming/PlatFactory/conchoEasementCenterline.fmw?TEMPLATE=%24(FME_MF_DIR)CONCHO_TEMPLATE_CENTERLINE_EASEMENT.dwg&SCALE={scale}&SourceDataset_FILEGDB=%24(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_TEMP)%2F{_file}&SPACE=PAGE%202%20OF%202&WIDTH={str(width)}&EASEMENT_TYPE={rowtype}&PROJECT_NAME={projectname}&PROJECT_NUMBER={projectnumber}&token=token"
### upload and print response status
resp = fmehndlr.upload(filename)
if resp.status_code==201:
## run webhook and catch response
resp = fmehndlr.runwebhook()
if resp.status_code==200:
This code works fine on my machine but when I run it from another computer, after the file is uploaded to FME Server the webhook fails. This is what I don't understand, if the file is uploaded successfully and returns status 201 why is FME then refusing the webhook and returning status 401?