
Is it possible to truncate the table of a non-hosted Feature Service using FME Flow?

  • 6 November 2023
  • 5 replies


We're trying to create a near-live view of our data, differing from the majority of content on our ArcGIS Enterprise which comes via registered Feature Services (source - Oracle database). We're unable to update the production dataset more often than the current weekly schedule due to internal constraints.


We're aware that FME can update a Hosted Feature Layer but can it update a non-hosted Feature Service? I.e. one which is being referenced from a database via an SDE?

5 replies

Badge +39

Why not update SDE using FME?


Because any updates we make to SDE are only pushed from dev to prod once a week - we need to update some services more often than this (but are unable to serve them up as Hosted Feature Layers).

Badge +39

Clear. I'm not sure what you mean with the non-hosted Feature Service?

In my understanding the different options are:

  • AGOL
    • Hosted services (source is datastore)
  • Portal
    • Hosted services (source is datastore)
    • Federated services (source is SDE)

From your list above - I'm referring to a federated service. Our source is a database (via SDE).


The answer to my question could be no, just exploring the option.

Badge +39

Yes, it is possible to do a truncate and insert in a federated feature service in portal.
