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I am trying to build a model to find roadless area with FME.

Firstly, I want to do a buffer with an esri-file geodatabase format file which is highway feature, then I want to dissolve it by 1 km with some attributes. then I want to erase the layer from the administrative boundary layer.

Can I do this in FME ?Is anyone have any suggestion? thank you

The logic should be very similar in FME, you can use the following transformers:

  • Bufferer
  • Dissolver
  • Clipper (=Erase in ArcGIS)

The Bufferer works in ground units, meaning that if your Higways dataset has a coordinate system specified in meters (e.g. UTM), then the Bufferer will use meters as the buffer size. In that case you could use a buffer size of 1000 meters = 1 km.

You could also use the GeographicBufferer which lets you specify the units, e.g. kilometers. To try and improve the speed of the Clipper, consider inserting a Dissolver between the Bufferer and the Clipper.
