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I'm trying to connect to and access an MS Access database that has a password and I am getting the following error.  


592021-12-20 15:02:42 | net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessSQLException: UCAExc:::5.0.0 user lacks privilege or object not found: VIP


I can connect and access another MS Access database that is not password protected without any issues. For what it's worth, I can connect and access data in the password protected database from FME Workbench on my local PC, just not from FME Server. 


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Using 2021.2.5 I was able to read password protected MS access.accdb from a feature reader. If I mis-entered the password:

Microsoft Access Reader: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Data Source=C:\\Temp\\Database11.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=********'. Provider error `(-2147217843) Not a valid password.'

When entered correctly... the feature type displayed successfully imagePublishing to FME server with the correct password, I was able to run workspace successfully reading in Table1


Are you reading in all objects / tables in the 'feature types to read' image

Thanks for letting me know about this! We are currently on version 2021.2.3, but I will test it out as soon as we upgrade to 2021.2.5 or later.
