Could it be that you're running a 64-bit version of Windows? If so, you're using the wrong python27.dll, you should be using the one in "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\python27.dll" in stead.
Thanks David.
I tried that SysWOW64\\python27.dll as well with the same result. I was following these guidelines:
When unckecking
Use Custom Python Interpreter and adding the right paths in the environment variables, I'm getting an Unable to import arcpy module error:
What happens if you comment out the line starting with arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management?
Does it still hang?
Interesting, sounds more like a problem with arcpy than with FME.
Can you use arcpy within from ArcGIS Desktop?
Yes, I can start ArcGIS 10.1 and launch some arcpy commands like creating a new file gdb. It's working from
- the Python console inside ArcGIS Desktop 10.1
- ArcToolbox in ArcGIS Desktop 10.1
- the windows command prompt :
C:\python27\ArcGIS10.1>python.exe C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads\test\test.py test.py import arcpy arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management("C:/Users/xxxxx/Downloads/test","test3","CURRENT")
Otherwise, I'm running FME Desktop 2014 SP4 Win32.
Thanks David, much appreciated!
Another clue : FME still hangs when running this starting Python script :
import subprocess subprocess.call("C:/python27/ArcGIS10.1/python.exe C:/Users/xxxx/Downloads/test/test.py")
When running :
C:/python27/ArcGIS10.1/python.exe C:/Users/xxxx/Downloads/test/test.py
from the Windows Command Prompt, it works perfectly.
You might want to try reinstalling FME, just in case. If that doesn't help, consider contacting Safe support.
You are probably right David. If I publish the workbench on FME server everything runs smoothly. Thanks for your help on this.