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PROJ: proj_create_from_database: crs not found

Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Failed to read coordinate system from SQL Server because FME does not know about coordinate system `EPSG:102003'

I can use 102003 in the ProjReprojector tool, but, rather than assign _FME_0 as the CRS for this table, it leaves it as unknown, which means the reprojector tool fails, and 102003 doesn’t exist for me to use in the CRSSetter transformers. How do I set the CRS in feature reader when my desired CRS is not in the catalog (note to FME: this is also a request)


I tried defining a custom projection here;

but this workbench failed in translation / does not create .prj file I can use.

Unsure why Proj doesn’t have that reference system

As a workaround, have you tried using the EsriReprojector. You will need a ESRI licensed product (Arcmap/ArcPRO) on the same machine

Optionally - You can change the Workspace Parameters > Reprojection Engine = ESRI 


Esri reprojection engine



Thanks ​@j.botterill ! I did not know about that workspace parameter. That is helpful. I discovered that when typing the EPSG it needed to be written as “ESRI:102003” not “EPSG:102003” which I find a little strange, but whatever.
