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Error writing to SDE ArcObjects error is: '-2147210926'

  • 6 November 2015
  • 1 reply

ArcMap 10.2.2 FME Esri Edition build 15485



When trying to update features in a geometric network on our SDE I get this error message.



Error while updating feature in the table/feature class 'WATER.WTR_VALVES'. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147210926'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {},ArcMap 10.2.2 FME Esri Edition Build 15485



This 'fatal error' prevents me from using the FME workspace I worked so hard to build. What do I need to do to resolve the error?


Apart from being a phone number in Texas(!) that number refers to this error message in ArcGIS:



FDO_E_CLOSED_POLYLINE -2147210926 Closed polylines not allowed.



It looks like there is a piece of geometry being written that does not match what is permitted on that network. Maybe try a GeometryFilter transformer to check if this is the case.



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