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Hi All,

I'm still somewhat new to FME and am hoping someone can advise me.

Through another workbench I have been able to gather a a list of service URLs from an AGOL. I would now like to automate the process of creating a new item in ArcGIS Portal via the New Item > URL workflow.

I have looked through the Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader/Writer and a few other transformers but none seem to accommodate for creating a referenced item via URL. Google is leading me nowhere either.

Any advice or pointers?

Thanks very much for your time!



Not exactly sure what you mean by “creating a referenced item via URL“. If you can expand of that?


If you want to create a new feature layer, then you could use something like the ArcGISOnlineConnector to publish a new item to Portal.



Hi Todd,

Apologies for the lack of clarity.

What i mean is to create a new feature service in ArcGIS Portal which is refencing the REST endpoint URL of another service. The same as what is described in this page ( but in bulk.




I don’t think there will be a transformer out of the box that will do this, but you just need to follow the same flow as what Esri does itself. This would be done via a few httpcaller and JsonFragmentor/JsonFormattors/JsonTemplators.


If you are use to the Esri rest api’s, its actually not to hard (there is probably a few hours works). If you are not use to the Esri apis, or apis in general, its probably pretty hard.


You get the details of the source featureservice and provide some of those details through to additem call:

Thanks Todd! Much appreciated.


Ill dig through the transformers you recommended and the linked page and hopefully get my head around it!

Just an update on how I achieved this for any others interested.

I used the HTTPCaller to make an addItem POST call.

Being new to this I found it helpful to navigate to the ESRI sharing api (https://"root]/content/users/suserName]/addItem) and actually run through creating an item manually with dev tools turned on to view the exact names used in the payload - as these would be used in the Multipart Upload portion of the HTTPCaller.

Thanks again Todd for your assistance!

