
Can I import a custom python package from an azure repo into FME?

  • 14 November 2023
  • 2 replies

We have a custom python package project sitting in an azure repo, with build pipelines. This python package can be built on multiple python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 with the help of the Hatch third party package. One of the pipelines produces an .whl artifact for the project, can this be used to install the python package locally on any machine, and simply point FME to this package?


I don't really know all the intricacies associated with this approach, if it is possible can you please take me through the steps to achieve this or point me in the direction of a detailed article, any help will be appreciated

2 replies

Userlevel 5

You can install a .whl file into FME by doing

fme.exe python -m pip install my_cheese_wheel.whl

More details in the documentation:

You can install a .whl file into FME by doing

fme.exe python -m pip install my_cheese_wheel.whl

More details in the documentation:

Thank you I will try that

