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Add more validation types and/or improve repair & diagnostics (tell us in the comments what you'd like)
Would like to be able to validate features the way Esri does
ESRIValidator would be nice - to be sure that everything can be loaded. Instead of trying to send them through ArcObjects-writer and then getting the message on each error.
@sigbjrnherstad I think this counts for all writers. It would be nice to have verified whether you can write your data without having your model crashed.
More control over intersections would be good. Different packages seem to cope with intersedctions in different ways, SQL server spatial, ESRI, mapinfo all have their own rules on geometry validation. Be good to asign these rules in the validtor.
I'm always thrown by the fact that some features seem to come out of the invalid and repaired port, and others only come through invalid. I see the logic, but maybe it's worth adding a fourth port instead, so have valid/invalid/repaired/irreperable?
I would like more control over degenerate and/or corrupt geometries (especially 3D). Auto-repairing these makes things worse sometimes, so it would be great to have some influence on what to repair and what not.
Being able to validate geometry with a tolerance would be great


It would be nice if the Geometry Validator detected the same issues that ESRI's Check/Repair Geometry tools do. I can't seem to configure the Geometry Validator to get the same results as the ESRI tools no matter what parameters I change, especially when it comes to self intersecting polygons.

A good documentation ascociated with sample data to test and understand the tool would be also usefull:

sample dataset for GV


how about cad-to-gis validation: check if data has curves, compundcurves etc?

how about cad-to-gis validation: check if data has curves, compundcurves etc?

Yes, an additional port for the remnants would be good. It is possible to filter the list of features coming from the invalid port but it is an extra step and usually want to know if the feature is repaired or failed.



Given the introduction of tolerance options to various other transformers it would be good to see it included in the GeometryValidator. Especially since transformers such as the snapper will already remove duplicate vertices with a tolerance it seems odd that you cannot do the same with the validator.

Perhaps within Data Interoperability extension, or with ArcGIS Pro installed, make shapefiles accessible as native Esri geometry and run arcpy.RepairGeometry per feature. This makes a repaired feature without attribution. In Pro there is an option for Esri or OGC validation.



with arcpy.da.SearchCursor('nz_localities','shape@') as cursor:


for row in cursor:


repair = arcpy.RepairGeometry_management(row(0],'KEEP_NULL','ESRI').getOutput(0)







I see actually, the tolerance options are already there, although I'm not sure exactly what the tolerance means for some tests.



OpenGathering Interest