***Note from Migration:***
Original Title was: Bug: Excel Writer Removes All Worksheet Protections From Existing Excel Template File
The Excel writers in FME 2016, 2017, and 2017 Beta will completely remove all existing Worksheet protections from an Excel template file. Even though FME doesn't currently support setting passwords on Worksheets to protect them (another useful feature that should be added soon please), the conversion process should not be stripping all protections from existing Worksheets, so that's a bug.
In our use case we have a customer that has protected various pricing sheets with a password, and we are using FME to write out some data to other regular unprotected worksheets in the same template workbook, but in doing so all of the existing protections are being removed.
It's easily reproduced by:
1) Create an Excel file with 2 worksheets, add protection to one of them
2) Add an Excel Reader to read it in as a template file and an Excel Writer for the same.
3) Write out some values to the unprotected sheet, and then notice that the protections on the first sheet are gone.