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I'm running FME 2020.1 (desktop and server). In my workspace, I have a published parameter with a range clause (set to greater than 0). In desktop, I cannot start a translation when I enter a 0 for this published parameter. However, it is possible to submit a job on FME server with the value 0 passed for this parameter. The job on FME server runs succesfully, whereas I'd expect an error because of the invalid parameter value. The output of the job is not correct, however.


Am I missing something here? It seems like parameter checking is not consistent between desktop and server...


Hi @r_huesken​ ,


This was a known issue that was fixed for FME 2020.1 b20576. Please let me know if you are using an FME Server 2020.1 build later than this and I can look into this further for you.




We are using FME Server 2020.1.0.1, Build 20596 - win64.


We are using FME Server 2020.1.0.1, Build 20596 - win64.

Hi @r_huesken​ ,

I ran a test here but I have been unable to reproduce the issue. When I type a number outside of the range an error shows up and I cannot submit the job to run:


Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 10.30.40 AM


Are you also using FME Desktop b20596? If this workspace was created in an older version perhaps try downloading and re-publishing from this version of Desktop.

We start the job through the API rest call (http://<fmeserver-ip>/fmerest/v3/transformations/transact/). Would that make a difference?


We start the job through the API rest call (http://<fmeserver-ip>/fmerest/v3/transformations/transact/). Would that make a difference?


Hi @r_huesken​ ,


Aha yes, thank you for that additional info - I have now been able to reproduce the issue. I have filed FMESERVER-15709 to get this fixed and I will notify you via this post once it is resolved. Unfortunately I am not aware of any workarounds.
