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When I receive emailed server error notifications they are formatted like


Job 334: http://SERVERNAME:443/fmeserver/#/job/334/summary


rather than the proper SSL and fully qualified configuration. Once I change the URL to


Job 334:


it resolves properly and I can access the log.


My question is, where do I change this setting permanently? All of the URL's in System configuration are set correctly. Is it a configuration file setting? If so, can someone point me to the correct file to modify?

Hi @mmirobelli​ ,

Please update the FME_SERVER_WEB_URL in  fmeServerConfig.txt located in <FMEServerDir>\\Server\\.

Hi @mmirobelli​ ,

Please update the FME_SERVER_WEB_URL in  fmeServerConfig.txt located in <FMEServerDir>\\Server\\.

Thanks! I made the change. I appreciate the fast reply and the assistance. :)
