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Hi Tem,


I have a fme file which has to be run 15 times with different parameters( 15 oracle schemas) in fme server 2017. after 15 runs fme server has to stop running when the last schema completes. how can i achieve this in fme server 2017? I am using fme server notifier within fmw file with fme workspace run functionality. But i am not successful.

need help.

Wouldn't it be more manageable to set up 1 "master" workspace which runs your workspace 15 times through an FMEServerJobSubmitter? That saves you from having to deal with notifications.

Wouldn't it be more manageable to set up 1 "master" workspace which runs your workspace 15 times through an FMEServerJobSubmitter? That saves you from having to deal with notifications.

@redgeographics , first of all thank you for the answer. yah i did that, here what happens is 1.log file will be huge 2. and only one log for all 15 runs 3. moreover i need to send mail notification when one schema completes . so i choosen notification service

@redgeographics , first of all thank you for the answer. yah i did that, here what happens is 1.log file will be huge 2. and only one log for all 15 runs 3. moreover i need to send mail notification when one schema completes . so i choosen notification service

Any chance you could upgrade to FME Server 2018? That way you would have a log file for every time the FMEServerJobSubmitter is triggered.



And for the e-mail, you could use the transformer Emailer at the end of the child workspace instead of using FME Server notifications.


You can use a creator and set the number of instance to 15.

Then you can use an attribut creator to manage the parameters you have to deal with for the 15 instances and than use a workspace runner for desktop or fme job submitter on server with the parameters you nust set before.

If you need to send emails you can use your succes output port or failed port to send email with specific message for any of your 15 instances.

Hope it help!
