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I am currently working through the FME Server Tutorials, it is a very steep learning curve as I have only just installed FME Server on my PC and had zero server experience before now.


So I have it up and running, and I have several other devices connected to the same local network, and I am wanting to log into this server using another machine, but it is as though the server does not exist! the link can be accessed fine from the same machine, its just other machines that cannot access it ("Page not found")


I have double checked, I can successfully ping the machine, no worries at all.


So I have used the 'direct link' on another machine on my network (just replaced localhost:80 with, but it is returning a page not found.

Any thoughts on what may be going wrong here?


                               Publish Summary
FME Server URL               : http://localhost:80
Username                     : admin
Repository                   : Training
Name                         : SelfServe-Ex1-Complete.fmw
Direct Link                  : http://localhost:80/fmeserver/#/workspaces/run/Training/SelfServe-Ex1-Complete.fmw
Uploaded Resources           : C:\FMEData2019\Data\Orthophotos\06-07-LM.tif
Registered Services          : Data Download
                               Job Submitter
Included Writers in Download : Training /JPEG]
Included Writers in Stream   : Training wJPEG]
Time                         : Sat Aug 22 16:44:48 2020



Can you try to ping the server from the client machine in a command window? That might help to show if a connection is possible.

You could also try to ensure the right port is being used.

Hi Mark,

As mentioned the ping from secondary PC to it works fine.

I then try ping, and I get 'please check the name and try again'.


Yet if I navigate to on my host it opens the fme server interface no worries.

Hi, is the port #80 opened?

Hi, is the port #80 opened?

So I made an assumption that the firewall allowed local machines to access each other, as they are all on the 'private network'. After a quick google search, I added port 80 to be an acceptable inbound port for local machines, and now it works perfectly. Very happy as its working as expected!


thanks heaps for the suggestion!
